Definition of Deep Down in English :

Define Deep Down in English

Deep Down meaning in English

Meaning of Deep Down in English

Pronunciation of Deep Down in English

Deep Down pronunciation in English

Pronounce Deep Down in English

Deep Down

see synonyms of deep down


1. at bottom, at heart, deep down, in spite of appearance, inside

in reality

Example Sentences:
'she is very kind at heart'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Deep Down

see synonyms of deep down
in reality, esp as opposed to appearance
she is a very kind person deep down

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers

Deep Down

see synonyms of deep down
adj. deep·er, deep·est
a. Extending far downward below a surface: a deep hole in the river ice.
b. Extending far inward from an outer surface: a deep cut.
c. Extending far backward from front to rear: a deep walk-in refrigerator.
d. Extending far from side to side from a center: a deep yard surrounding the house.
e. Far distant down or in: deep in the woods.
f. Coming from or penetrating to a depth: a deep sigh.
g. Sports Located or taking place near the outer boundaries of the area of play: deep left field.
2. Extending a specific distance in a given direction: snow four feet deep.
3. Far distant in time or space: deep in the past.
a. Difficult to penetrate or understand; recondite: a deep metaphysical theory.
b. Of a mysterious or obscure nature: a deep secret; ancient and deep tribal rites.
c. Very learned or intellectual; wise: a deep philosopher.
d. Exhibiting great cunning or craft: deep political machinations.
a. Of a grave or extreme nature: deep trouble; deepest deceit.
b. Very absorbed or involved: deep in thought; deep in financial difficulties.
c. Profound in quality or feeling: a deep trance; deep devotion.
6. Rich and intense in shade. Used of a color: a deep red.
7. Low in pitch; resonant: a deep voice.
8. Covered or surrounded to a designated degree. Often used in combination: waist-deep in the water; ankle-deep in snow.
9. Large in quantity or size; big: deep cuts in the budget.
10. Sports Having a sufficient number of capable reserve players: That team is not very deep.
1. To a great depth; deeply: dig deep; feelings that run deep.
2. Well along in time; late: worked deep into the night.
3. Sports Close to the outer boundaries of the area of play: played deep for the first three innings; ran deep into their opponents' territory.
1. often deeps
a. A deep place in land or in a body of water: drowned in the deep of the river.
b. A vast, immeasurable extent: the deep of outer space.
2. The extent of encompassing time or space; firmament.
3. The most intense or extreme part: the deep of night.
4. The ocean.
5. Nautical A sounding that falls between marks on a lead line and thus corresponds to an estimated depth rather than a precise depth.

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