Definition of Consider in English :

Define Consider in English

Consider meaning in English

Meaning of Consider in English

Pronunciation of Consider in English

Consider pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of consider


1. consider, reckon, regard, see, view

deem to be

Example Sentences:
'She views this quite differently from me'
'I consider her to be shallow'
'I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do'

2. consider, study

give careful consideration to

Example Sentences:
'consider the possibility of moving'

3. consider, deal, look at, take

take into consideration for exemplifying purposes

Example Sentences:
'Take the case of China'
'Consider the following case'

4. consider, count, weigh

show consideration for; take into account

Example Sentences:
'You must consider her age'
'The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient'

5. consider, debate, deliberate, moot, turn over

think about carefully; weigh

Example Sentences:
'They considered the possibility of a strike'
'Turn the proposal over in your mind'

6. believe, conceive, consider, think

judge or regard; look upon; judge

Example Sentences:
'I think he is very smart'
'I believe her to be very smart'
'I think that he is her boyfriend'
'The racist conceives such people to be inferior'

7. consider, regard

look at attentively

8. consider, look at, view

look at carefully; study mentally

Example Sentences:
'view a problem'

9. consider

regard or treat with consideration, respect, and esteem

Example Sentences:
'Please consider your family'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of consider
verb (mainly tr)
1. (also intr)
to think carefully about or ponder on (a problem, decision, etc); contemplate
2. (may take a clause as object)
to judge, deem, or have as an opinion
I consider him a fool
to have regard for; respect
consider your mother's feelings
to look at; regard
he considered her face
5. (may take a clause as object)
to bear in mind as possible or acceptable
when buying a car consider this make
to describe or discuss
in this programme we consider the traffic problem
7. (may take a clause as object)
to keep in mind and make allowances (for)
consider his childhood

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of consider
verb transitive
1.  Archaic
to look at carefully; examine
to think about in order to understand or decide; ponder
to consider a problem
to keep in mind; take into account
her health is good if you consider her age
to be thoughtful of (others, their feelings, etc.); show consideration for
to regard as; think to be
I consider him an expert
to believe or conclude after thought
we consider that the defendant is not guilty
verb intransitive
to think carefully or seriously; reflect

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of consider
v. con·sid·ered, con·sid·er·ing, con·sid·ers
1. To think carefully about (something), especially before making a decision; I needed more time to consider my options. We considered taking the train instead of the bus.
2. To think or deem to be; regard as: considered his friend a liberal on most issues; considered her contribution essential. See Usage Note at as1.
3. To suppose or believe: considers waste to be criminal; considers that the mistake could have been prevented.
4. To take into account; bear in mind: Her success is not surprising if you consider her excellent training.
5. To show consideration for: failed to consider the feelings of others.
6. To look at thoughtfully: considered my shoes and thought they looked worn out.
To think carefully; reflect: Give me time to consider.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.