Definition of Casualty in English :

Define Casualty in English

Casualty meaning in English

Meaning of Casualty in English

Pronunciation of Casualty in English

Casualty pronunciation in English

Pronounce Casualty in English


see synonyms of casualty


1. casualty

someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement

2. casualty, injured party

someone injured or killed in an accident

3. casualty, fatal accident

an accident that causes someone to die

4. casualty

a decrease of military personnel or equipment

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of casualty
noun plural -ties
a serviceman or servicewoman who is killed, wounded, captured, or missing as a result of enemy action
a person who is injured or killed in an accident
a hospital department in which victims of accidents, violence, etc, are treated
anything that is lost, damaged, or destroyed as the result of an accident, etc

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of casualty
nounWord forms: plural ˈcasualties
an accident, esp. a fatal one
2.  Military
a member of the armed forces who is lost to active service through being killed, wounded, captured, interned, sick, or missing
b.  [pl.]
losses of personnel resulting from death, injury, etc.
anyone hurt or killed in an accident
anything lost, destroyed, or made useless by some unfortunate or unforeseen happening

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of casualty
n. pl. ca·su·al·ties
a. One who is injured or killed in an accident: a train wreck with many casualties.
b. One who is injured, killed, captured, or missing in action through engagement with an enemy: Battlefield casualties were high.
2. One that is harmed or eliminated as a result of an action or circumstance: The corner grocery was a casualty of the expanding supermarkets.
3. An accident, especially one involving serious injury or loss of life.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.