Definition of Boy in English :

Define Boy in English

Boy meaning in English

Meaning of Boy in English

Pronunciation of Boy in English

Boy pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of boy


1. boy, male child

a youthful male person

Example Sentences:
'the baby was a boy'
'she made the boy brush his teeth every night'
'most soldiers are only boys in uniform'

2. boy

a friendly informal reference to a grown man

Example Sentences:
'he likes to play golf with the boys'

3. boy, son

a male human offspring

Example Sentences:
'their son became a famous judge'
'his boy is taller than he is'

4. boy

(ethnic slur) offensive and disparaging term for Black man

Example Sentences:
'get out of my way, boy'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of boy
a male child; lad; youth
a man regarded as immature or inexperienced
he's just a boy when it comes to dealing with real problems
3.  old boy
4. informal
a group of men, esp a group of friends
5. usually derogatory
(esp in former colonial territories) a Black person or native male servant of any age
6. Australian
a jockey or apprentice
7.  short for boyfriend
8.  boys will be boys
9.  jobs for the boys
10.  the boy
an exclamation of surprise, pleasure, contempt, etc
boy, is he going to be sorry!

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of boy
a male child from birth to the age of physical maturity; lad; youth
a man regarded as immature or callow
any man; fellow
familiar term
a male domestic worker or servant
a patronizing term applied esp. by Caucasians to nonwhites
a bellboy, messenger boy, etc.
6.  Informal
a son
Mrs. Dill's oldest boy
interjection US
7.  Slang
used to express pleasure, surprise, etc.
: often oh, boy!

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of boy
1. A male child.
2. A son: his youngest boy.
3. Often Offensive A man, especially a young man.
4. Informal A man socializing in a group of men: a night out with the boys.
5. Offensive A male servant or employee.
Used to express mild astonishment, elation, or disgust: Oh boywhat a surprise!

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.