Definition of Blanket in English :

Define Blanket in English

Blanket meaning in English

Meaning of Blanket in English

Pronunciation of Blanket in English

Blanket pronunciation in English

Pronounce Blanket in English


see synonyms of blanket


1. blanket, cover

bedding that keeps a person warm in bed

Example Sentences:
'he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep'

2. blanket, mantle

anything that covers

Example Sentences:
'there was a blanket of snow'

3. blanket

a layer of lead surrounding the highly reactive core of a nuclear reactor


4. blanket

cover as if with a blanket

Example Sentences:
'snow blanketed the fields'

5. blanket

form a blanket-like cover (over)


6. across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, wide

broad in scope or content

Example Sentences:
'across-the-board pay increases'
'an all-embracing definition'
'blanket sanctions against human-rights violators'
'an invention with broad applications'
'a panoptic study of Soviet nationality'
'granted him wide powers'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of blanket
a large piece of thick cloth for use as a bed covering, animal covering, etc, enabling a person or animal to retain natural body heat
a concealing cover or layer, as of smoke, leaves, or snow
a rubber or plastic sheet wrapped round a cylinder, used in offset printing to transfer the image from the plate, stone, or forme to the paper
4. physics
a layer of a fertile substance placed round the core of a nuclear reactor as a reflector or absorber and often to breed new fissionable fuel
5. (modifier)
applying to or covering a wide group or variety of people, conditions, situations, etc
blanket insurance against loss, injury, and theft
6.  born on the wrong side of the blanket
verb (transitive)
to cover with or as if with a blanket; overlie
to cover a very wide area, as in a publicity campaign; give blanket coverage
9. (usually foll by out)
to obscure or suppress
the storm blanketed out the TV picture
10. nautical
to prevent wind from reaching the sails of (another sailing vessel) by passing to windward of it

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of blanket
a large piece of cloth, often of soft wool, used for warmth as a bed cover or a covering for animals
anything used as or resembling a blanket; covering
a blanket of leaves
adjective US
covering a group of conditions or requirements; including many or all items
a blanket insurance policy
verb transitive
to cover with or as with a blanket; overspread; overlie
to apply uniformly to
said of regulations or rates
to cut off wind from the sails of (another boat) by passing close to windward, as in yacht racing
to suppress; hinder; obscure
a powerful radio station blankets a weaker one
8.  Archaic
to toss in a blanket, as in punishment

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of blanket
1. A large piece of woven material used as a covering for warmth, especially on a bed.
2. A layer that covers or encloses: a thick blanket of snow.
1. Applying to or covering all conditions or instances: a blanket insurance policy.
2. Applying to or covering all members of a class: blanket sanctions against human-rights violators.
tr.v. blan·ket·ed, blan·ket·ing, blan·kets
1. To cover with or as if with a blanket: leaves that blanket the ground.
2. To cover so as to inhibit, suppress, or extinguish: blanketed the grease fire with sand.
3. To apply to generally and uniformly without exception: high telephone service charges that blanketed our region.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.