Definition of Bare in English :

Define Bare in English

Bare meaning in English

Meaning of Bare in English

Pronunciation of Bare in English

Bare pronunciation in English

Pronounce Bare in English


see synonyms of bare


1. bare

lay bare

Example Sentences:
'bare your breasts'
'bare your feelings'

2. air, bare, publicise, publicize

make public

Example Sentences:
'She aired her opinions on welfare'

3. bare, denudate, denude, strip

lay bare

Example Sentences:
'denude a forest'


4. au naturel, bare, naked, nude

completely unclothed

Example Sentences:
'bare bodies'
'naked from the waist up'
'a nude model'

5. bare, scanty, spare

lacking in amplitude or quantity

Example Sentences:
'a bare livelihood'
'a scanty harvest'
'a spare diet'

6. bare, unsheathed

not having a protective covering

Example Sentences:
'unsheathed cables'
'a bare blade'

7. bare

lacking its natural or customary covering

Example Sentences:
'a bare hill'
'bare feet'

8. bare, marginal

just barely adequate or within a lower limit

Example Sentences:
'a bare majority'
'a marginal victory'

9. bare, mere, simple

apart from anything else; without additions or modifications

Example Sentences:
'only the bare facts'
'shocked by the mere idea'
'the simple passage of time was enough'
'the simple truth'

10. bare, unfinished

lacking a surface finish such as paint

Example Sentences:
'bare wood'
'unfinished furniture'

11. bare, barren, bleak, desolate, stark

providing no shelter or sustenance

Example Sentences:
'bare rocky hills'
'barren lands'
'the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes'
'the desolate surface of the moon'
'a stark landscape'

12. bare, stripped

having everything extraneous removed including contents

Example Sentences:
'the bare walls'
'the cupboard was bare'

13. bare, plain, spare, unembellished, unornamented

lacking embellishment or ornamentation

Example Sentences:
'a plain hair style'
'unembellished white walls'
'functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of bare
unclothed; exposed: used esp of a part of the body
without the natural, conventional, or usual covering or clothing
a bare tree
lacking appropriate furnishings, etc
a bare room
unembellished; simple
the bare facts
5. (prenomial)
just sufficient; mere
he earned the bare minimum
6.  with one's bare hands
7. (transitive)
to make bare; uncover; reveal
archaic a past tense of bear1

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of bare
adjectiveWord forms: ˈbarer or ˈbarest
without the natural or customary covering
bare wooden floors
without clothing; naked
bare legs
without equipment, supplies, or furnishings; empty
a bare room, a bare larder
without embellishment; unadorned; simple; plain
the bare facts
without tools or weapons
obsolete except in bare hands
no more than; mere
a bare subsistence wage
verb transitiveWord forms: bared or ˈbaring
to make bare; uncover; strip; expose
verb transitive, verb intransitive
archaic pt. of

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of bare
adj. bar·er, bar·est
1. Lacking the usual or appropriate covering or clothing; naked: a bare arm.
2. Exposed to view; undisguised: bare fangs.
3. Lacking the usual furnishings, equipment, or decoration: bare walls.
4. Having no addition, adornment, or qualification: the bare facts.
5. Just sufficient; mere: the bare necessities.
6. Obsolete Bareheaded.
tr.v. bared, bar·ing, bares
1. To make bare; uncover or reveal: bared their heads; baring secrets.
2. To expose: The dog bared its teeth.
A past tense of bear1.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.