Definition of Arranger in English :

Define Arranger in English

Arranger meaning in English

Meaning of Arranger in English

Pronunciation of Arranger in English

Arranger pronunciation in English

Pronounce Arranger in English


see synonyms of arranger


1. arranger, organiser, organizer

a person who brings order and organization to an enterprise

Example Sentences:
'she was the organizer of the meeting'

2. adapter, arranger, transcriber

a musician who adapts a composition for particular voices or instruments or for another style of performance

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of arranger
v. ar·ranged, ar·rang·ing, ar·rang·es
1. To put into a specific order or relation; dispose: arrange shoes in a neat row.
2. To plan or prepare for: arrange a picnic.
3. To bring about or come to an agreement concerning; settle: Have the bride and groom arranged the date of the wedding?
4. Music To adapt or rework (a composition) for other instruments or voices or as another style of performance.
1. To come to an agreement: arrange with a friend for a ride to work.
2. To cause something to happen or make plans for something to happen: arrange for a big wedding.

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